In certain situations, planning policy constraints mean that it is not possible to simply apply for planning permission or that the policy framework may be too onerous on development. Instead, it may be necessary to secure the allocation of land for development or to successfully negotiate a change in the planning policy framework to realise a development opportunity.

Directions Planning Consultancy has extensive experience of the development plan process and the preparation of Local Plans; whether in order to secure a site allocation or to put forward a persuasive case to influence the policy framework against which proposals will be determined in the future.

Development plans are prepared by local planning authorities on an intermittent basis. Directions Planning Consultancy is able to provide straight forward advice as to the best strategy for influencing the planning process within the timetable for preparing Local Plans. We monitor progress of preparation to ensure we understand the progress (or not) being made by local planning authorities, and whether an up to date development plan is in place.

Our Expertise

Our area of expertise is in influencing the drafting of planning policy and preparation of development plans to ensure your interests are promoted and not compromised.

Our in depth knowledge of the planning system means we are able to identify opportunities and adopt ingenious ways in which to influence the preparation of development plans.

Directions Planning Consultancy monitors the preparation of Local Plans in order to ensure the most appropriate representations are made at the most effective stages of the process. We identify suitable strategies to provide the basis of a sound case to promote the allocation of a site or changes to policy. We have a number of approaches available to us including the involvement of other professionals and stakeholder engagement. We also have extensive experience of representing clients at Public Examinations.

Our Experience
Wakefield Metropolitan District

Land on the outskirts of Wakefield was promoted through the Wakefield Local Development Framework for residential development on behalf of a private land owner. The site subsequently gained planning permission for a mixed use scheme including retail, food and drink following an approach to the landowner by a developer and we were retained to provide planning advice relating to the submission of the planning application.

City of York

Land is being promoted through the City of York Local Plan process on behalf of a number of landowners that include commercial developers, charities, private individuals and educational establishments to secure the allocation of land for development. Our work includes analysing the Council’s evidence base which includes the green belt assessment, employment land review, strategic land availability assessment, and strategic housing market assessment.

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